Securing Kenya's Cyberspace

Enhancing Cybersecurity Resilience in a Digitally-Active Society

Co-ordination of National cybersecurity matters

Advise the National Security Council on computer and cyber-crimes

To build a secure and resilient cyberspace

Safe and trusted cyberspace for the people of Kenya

Explore CMCA Regulations & Cybercrime Reporting

Kenya acknowledges ICT as pivotal for achieving digital transformation, aligning with global trends. These technologies play a crucial role in implementing the national development agenda and enhancing service delivery, in line with the Government’s Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). Both businesses and citizens in Kenya leverage ICT to offer and access services, demonstrating its widespread adoption and impact in the digital sphere.

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A word from Director

The National Computer and Cybercrimes Coordination Committee (NC4), established under the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act No. 5 of 2018, coordinates Kenya’s cybersecurity efforts.

NC4 mission is to ensure timely detection, prevention, and prosecution of computer misuse and cybercrimes, fostering International cooperation. NC4 aims to build a secure cyberspace, providing accurate advisories to government and private sectors. Functions include advising the National Security Council, guiding on Critical Information Infrastructure security, coordinating with National security organs, managing cyber threat responses, establishing cyber-security standards, and facilitating training. NC4 executes functions mandated by CMCA, 2018, or other laws, ensuring Kenya’s digital safety and promoting a thriving digital economy.


ICT Sector Draft 1 Report Presentation


Director NC4, Col (Dr.) J. Kimuyu, joined other ICT Sector Working Group members at the Emara Ole Sereni Hotel as they submitted the 1st...
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Implementing New Cybercrime Regulations


Recently, PS Internal Security and National Administration, and Chair NC4 Secretariat, Dr. Raymond Omollo, led a workshop with the NC4...
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NC4 Strengthens Cybersecurity Measures


During its 22nd meeting, chaired by PS Dr. Raymond Omollo, the National Computer and Cybercrimes Coordination Committee (NC4) made...
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Kenya Publishes CMCA Regulations, 2024


On 9th February 2024, Kenya marked another great milestone in the cybersecurity ecosystem through the publication of the Computer Misuse...
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Submission of Draft CMCA 2018 Regulations


Internal Security PS on Tuesday, November 28th 2023 officially received the concluded Critical Information Infrastructure and Cybercrime...
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NC4’s Tree Planting Initiative


The National Computer and Cybercrime Coordination Committee (NC4) participated in the national tree planting initiative at Ondiri Wetlands...
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CMCA Regulations Taskforce


The Principal Secretary (PS) of the State Department for Internal Security and National Administration, also chairing the National Computer...
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ISMS Conference


ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) have become a crucial aspect of Kenya's digital transformation. ...
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