About NC4


The National Computer and Cybercrimes Coordination Committee (NC4),

Established under the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act No. 5 of 2018

  • Principal Secretary, Ministry of Interior & National Administration (Chairperson)
  • Principal Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications and The Digital Economy (MIC-DE)
  • The Attorney-General (AG)
  • The Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces (CDF)
  • The Inspector-General of National Police Service (IG NPS)
  • The Director-General of the National Intelligence Service (DG NIS)
  • The Director-General of the Communication Authority of Kenya (DG CA)
  • The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)
  • The Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya (Gov CBK)
  • The Director of the NC4 Secretariat
  • The Office of The Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC)
  • Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
  • Financial Reporting Centre (FRC)
  • National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC)
  • ICT Authority (ICTA)
  • Assets Recovery Agency (ARA)

Safe and trusted cyberspace for the people of Kenya

To build a secure and resilient cyberspace through a coordinated approach while maximizing on the benefits of a digital economy

The National Computer and Cybercrimes Coordination Committee (NC4) is a multi-agency entity established by the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act No. 5 of 2018 (CMCA) to coordinate national cybersecurity matters to enable timely and effective detection, prohibition, prevention, response, investigation and prosecution of computer misuse and cybercrimes; and facilitate international co-operation in dealing with computer and cybercrime matters in Kenya

  • Advise the National Security Council on computer and cybercrimes
  • Advise the Government on security-related aspects touching on Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) and New & Emerging Technologies (Blockchain, 5G, AI, IoT)
  • Approval of the identification and designation of critical information infrastructure
  • Formulation of codes of cybersecurity practice and standards of performance for owners of critical information infrastructure and sectors
  • Review of compliance reports submitted by owners of critical information infrastructure
  • Evaluation of audit reports submitted by the Secretariat on designated critical information infrastructure
  • Approval of the development and management of the National Public Key Infrastructure Frameworks
  • Consideration and approval of non-financial and financial records submitted by the Director
  • Consideration of reports on emerging technologies and their impacts on security for informed decision-making
  • Coordination of cybersecurity research undertaken by the Secretariat and consideration of the research for informed decision-making
  • Coordinate national security organs in matters relating to computer and cybercrimes
  • Receive and act on reports relating to computer and cybercrimes
  • Develop a framework to facilitate the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of CIIs
  • Coordinate the collection and analysis of cyber threats, and response to cyber incidents
  • Cooperate with computer incident response teams locally and internationally in response to threats of computer and cybercrime and incidents
  • Establish codes of cybersecurity practice and standards of performance for implementation by owners of CIIs
  • Develop and manage a National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) framework
  • Develop a framework for training and awareness on matters computer and cybercrime
  • Perform any other function conferred on it by CMCA, 2018 or any other written law
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